Looking for ideas to improve your website's look and feel in 2020?  You are in the right place!

iGoPro Lawn Supply has compiled a list of 10 lawn and landscape company websites that are either brand new or have had a re-design in 2020.

We hope you get some ideas you can use on your own website.  It is important to note these features have different features and layouts for different screen sizes.  This is commonplace with everything online being mobile-first.  We wanted to point out the click to call, text, email or quote options pinned to the bottom of most of these websites mobile version.

Urban Turf's Website Homepage Above The Fold

List of 10 Lawn and Landscape Websites Built In 2020

  1. https://bnblawnmowing.com/
  2. https://fortyacreslawncare.com/
  3. https://gwinnettlawns.com/
  4. https://thickgreen.com/
  5. https://boilingspringslawncare.com/
  6. https://leogardencare.com/
  7. https://premierlawnservices.com/
  8. https://skgrass.com/
  9. https://utlawns.com/
  10. https://alliedlawns.com/service-areas/

What a Great Lawn Business Website Must Include:

There are key elements any service-based business' website must include.  We are going to cover the most basic ones quickly and then go into more detail on each website on our list.

iGoPro Lawn Supply works with Optimized SEO and Websites.  We serve the lawn and landscape community by supplying the products they need to operate their business and Optimized focuses on offering their internet marketing services to local, service-based businesses.  All websites on the list were built by Optimized and they provided all of the insight for this blog post.

Make Sure Your Phone, Email and Contact Forms Are Easy To Find

We cannot tell you how many websites we review during our free consultations that don't have this key business information readily available to website visitors.  Make sure yours is not one of them!

We recommend having your phone number at the top and bottom of every page.  Your email at least at the bottom of every page and include a contact form on every page in most cases.

This is an easy win for site visitors and search engines if your site is lacking this information currently.

BNB Lawn Mowing's Website Homepage

Clearly State Your Services

People on your site interested in a lawn and landscape service want to know if your company offers what they need!

Make it very clear immediately on your homepage.  We also recommend having an individual page for each service you offer as Google ranks web pages, not websites.  By having a unique page with all content dedicated to that specific service, your website as a whole has a lot better chances of ranking for related search queries.

Clearly State Your Service Area

Where do you work?!

This is probably the most common glaring error found on service-based businesses websites.  Create a custom Google Map to note out each city and county you work in and embed it on your website.

Be sure to also embed your map provided to you by Google inside your Google My Business listing.

We recommend to note your most desired cities in the footer of your website and to include your embedded maps on your about page, service areas page and contact us page.

Show Off Your Reviews

The best way to gain trust is by showing people you already have satisfied customers.  

The preferred way to accomplish this is by embedding your Google and Facebook reviews on your website.  If they are embedded, not a copy/paste job, then you can use schema markup on them.

If you do not have reviews online for your business, especially on Google, this should be your top priority if you want to grow your business in 2020 and beyond.

What makes these lawn service websites great?

We are about to go over a couple of things each website does extremely well.  Feel free to utilize these tips, tricks and tactics on your own website or reach out to Optimized SEO and Websites to do it for you.  Your time is best spent running your lawn and landscape business, not trying to figure out how to make the internet work for it.

BNB Lawn Mowing's Website

BNB Lawn Mowing's Logo

What we like most about BNB Lawn Mowing's site is the fact that they break down their primary service, lawn mowing, in great detail.

They have a page for lawn mowing pricing and for service frequency options as well.  This effectively creates 6 pages on their website dedicated to unique content around the topic of lawn mowing.

Building out original, unique content that provides value to the people viewing your site is a great way to position your site as authoritative to site visitors, AKA potential clients, and to the search engines as well.

Forty Acres Lawn Care's Website

Forty Acres Lawn Care's Logo

Forty Acres Lawn Care has the best-looking website on our list in our opinion.  

The design is 100% mobile-first which is the standard in web design in 2020 and that will not change moving into the future.

Forty Acres Lawn Care focuses on serving one community within a densely populated metropolitan area.  The focus on the Alamo Heights community located in San Antonio, TX.

Another thing to note about this site is that they only offer 2 services.  We love the focus of the business.  So many smaller lawn services think they have to be the '1-stop shop' and it is simply not true.

Determine where your business is going to shine and focus on serving that community or being the best at those services and it will pay off for you in the long run.

Gwinnett Lawns Lawn Care's Website

Gwinnett Lawns Lawn Care's Logo

Gwinnett Lawns Lawn Care is the only website on our list with a dark theme.

We think they pulled it off very well.  The majority of their offline marketing material had this 'dark theme' look and feel already, so it made sense to carry that over to the website.

Gwinnett Lawns has a blog post noting out other lawn services in the area.  This is something you should strongly consider. 

Why?  Do a search like 'lawn services near me' on Google right now.

We are willing to bet over half of the 1st-page organic results are lists of local lawn companies from Yelp, Angie's List, HomeAdvisor and the like. 

It only makes sense to join them on the first page if that is what Google is deciding to show.

Thick Green Line Lawn Care's Website

Thick Green Line Lawn Care's Logo

Thick Green Line Lawn Care's website is a clean, classic approach to a website with some modern features.

Don't let anybody fool you.  Clearly stated information and ease of navigation will provide you with greater ROI than any crazy futuristic design feature ever will!

We particularly love the before and after image sliders on their fall services page.  Providing an interactive feature like this not only grabs attention, but also shows the client the mess they are currently looking at and how nice a lawn not covered in leaves looks!

Boiling Springs Lawn Care's Website

Boiling Springs Lawn Care's Logo

Clean, classic, and effective.

Boiling Springs Lawn Care racked up a whopping 46 5-star Google Reviews within a month of their website going live and their Google My Business getting verified.

Talk about helping themselves.

Even the best internet marketers can't do all the heavy lifting.  One thing any small business owner can do is ask their clients to leave them a review.

If you did not know, you can get a direct link for anyone to leave your business a review on Google from the home tab when logged into Google My Business on a computer. 

We recommend you text and email this to your clients along with including it in your email signature.  Bonus tip:  Most people will not leave a review if only asked once.  Do not be shy.  Google reviews can make your break your business these days.  Don't be annoying, but at a minimum ask 3 times.

Leo Garden Care's Website

Leo Garden Care's Logo

Loe Garden Care is the only lawn and landscape company on this list that also offers tree pruning and removal services.

With their business being located in Naples, FL, this makes sense as palm tree work is big business.

Leo was able to provide Optimized with awesome photos to clearly accurately display their business online.

If you are one of those guys that keeps saying I just don't have time to stop and take pictures, please reconsider.  Your image is everything.  You don't just need these pictures for your website, but for your social media pages, Google My Business photos and posts, Bing Places, Yelp and other citation sites.

Not to mention you should use your original pictures in your offline marketing as well if possible.

Premier Lawn Services' Website

Premier Lawn Services' Logo

If you don't have lots of images, you can strategically use stock images as Premier Lawn Services did on their website.

Although Jim provided Optimized with all kinds of great photos, he didn't want the majority going on his website.  Mainly because they were of himself and his young son cutting the grass together.

In the pictures, Jim had on shorts, sandals and his son on his lap with ear protection of course!  Jim felt these pictures portrayed his business as unprofessional due to the shorts and sandals and unsafe with a child so young on a lawn mower.

Optimized disagreed, but ending up removing the pictures and swapping them out for the stock images you now see.  It still works but doesn't have the local, small business feel Optimized felt would best represent his business.

Sprague's Kik'n Grass' Website

Sprague's Kik'n Grass' Logo

Sprague's Kik'n Grass wins for best business name for sure!

Chris Sprague is the owner and his got clever with his business name.  We love it!

One thing to note about his site is the dedicated commercial page.

If your business serves commercial clients, you should do this too.  Most of the time commercial clients are searching with terms like 'commercial lawn service,' 'commercial landscape companies' or 'B2B lawn and landscape services.'

Having a page on your site making it clear to the search engines and commercial clients that you do offer commercial services will result in many more commercial leads as compared to mentioning you service commercial properties on certain random pages on your website.

Allied Lawn and Landscape's Website

Allied Lawn and Landscapes' Logo

Allied Lawn and Landscape is the All-American website!

The company shares the same colors as the US flag and they are located in Texas to boot.

It only made sense to hammer home the 'American' company feel even though most people assume any local lawn service in America is an American company.

This website focuses on a clean layout that is easy to navigate and to consume information on it.  We strongly recommend you can say the same about yours.

Urban Turf Lawncare's Website

Urban Turf Lawncare's Logo

Urban Turf is another website with some outstanding original pictures.

We absolutely love how many pictures have the kids with their dad and the equipment or even just playing on the equipment (not running...) by themselves.

Taking the time to get these pictures will pay off for them very soon.

Another highlight of this website is how they state their starting mowing price.  Let's face it, most people truly interested in your service want to know how much it is going to cost.  So, tell them!

Your prices aren't a secret.  Who cares if your competitors know.  Your potential clients need to know to be able to hire you.

Lawn Website Review Conclusion

That was a lot!

We hope you will put some of the design elements found on these website to use on your own.

More peoople will find your lawn or landscape copmany online than anywhere.  It is the best investment you can make in your business.

If you are ready to focus on your business and hand off the marketing responsibility to the pros at Optimized, they are ready and waiting.

Optimized offers $15/day internet marketing packages that include updating your website, performing on and offsite SEO services, managing your ads and much, much more.

Ryan Sciamanna