Chain on snow blower tire

Follow these how to instructions to properly install tire chains on snow blowers and other garden tire applicatoins.

Shop our wide selection of tire chains that fit all common lawn and garden tire sizes.

Tools that may be required for installation: (not furnished)

  • Pliers.
  • Wire ties (for securement).

Plies and wire

Part illustrations:

  • A) Fold back hook (outside fastener).
  • B) Fingertip hook (inside fastener).

Chain fastener types

Note: There is no designated Left or Right chain. Either chain may be used for either tire.

Steps To Install Tire Chains

Tire chain ready to be installed


    1. Lay chain straight with the open sides of the cross chain hooks facing up. The open sides of the cross chain hooks must be facing away from the tire when the chain is installed. Make sure all twists are out of the chain assembly.
      Tire Chains Links Explained
      Position the side chain with the fingertip hook to go on the inside of the tire (toward body of the machine/vehicle). As a result, the side chain with the outside fastener will then be positioned to go on the outside of the tire.
    2. Grasping the middle of the inside fastener side chain, lift and drape the chain assembly over the tire, making sure the open ends of the cross chain hooks are facing away from the tire. Tuck the loose chain ends under the tire, then move the machine/vehicle forward slightly to be able to work with the fasteners.Chain drapped on tire ready to install
    3. Fasten the fingertip hook (inside fastener) by hooking it to the second or third link of side chain.  secure chain on tire
    4. Pull chain snug and connect the outside fastener to its side chain the same number of links back from the end as the inside connection. Fold fastener back and under the side chain as pictured below. You will probably need pliers to do it.

      Once both fasteners are connected, chain assembly must be snug on tire. Advance fasteners on each side chain the same number of links until chain is sufficiently and evenly tight on tire. See front cover picture for proper chain fit. Remove or tie down all unused links once chain is satisfactorily tight.Finish installing tire chain
    5. Repeat previous steps for other tire.


Tips For Installing Tire Chains

To get maximum wear and years of use from your Peerless “MaxTrac” tire chains follow these simple tips:

  • Avoid rapid acceleration: spinning tires cause rapid wear on cross chains.
  • If the chains are installed properly they should be snug with the cross chains at right angles to the side chain. Adjust inside and outside fasteners so that side chains are evenly tightened. The side chains should be centered on the circumference of the tire.

Find tire chains for your tire size here.

Ryan Sciamanna