The purpose of this article is to clarify any questions you may have regarding the trailer racks offered by iGoPro Lawn Supply.  We'll start off by going over some general information about the trailer racks and then highlight things to note regarding your application whether it be an open or enclosed trailer.  We also cover anything you should know about the different types of holders. 

The goal is to make sure you get exactly what you need when you place your order.  Please, do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any unanswered questions after reading this information.

If you would rather watch a video to learn more, here is our video overview/introduction to the racking system:

Introduction to GridIron Trailer Racks

Sure-Trac Trailers

The trailer racks are made in the USA by GridIron.  GridIron is a brand under the Novae Corp umbrella.  They are made in Markle, IN in the same facility Novae Corp manufacturers the Proslide XT sulky, GoSlide sulky, and SureTrac trailer line. 

Since we are an official Novae Corp dealer, we get dealer pricing on all of their products.  They do sell direct to the end-user, but we share our 'dealer discount' with our clients to save them on average 10% off what Novae Corp would sell them to you for.  

The manufacturer warranty is fully intact when you purchase any Novae Corp product from iGoPro Lawn Supply.  They direct ship 95% percent of our orders.  We stock some common replacement parts that we can ship out on Saturday.  Novae Corp only ships Monday through Friday.

We truly believe these racks are better than Green Touch or Equipment Defender and are priced better to boot.

All components have clear installation instructions available on our website and they will also be included in the box your rack comes in.

🔒 Lockable Trailer Racks

Many of the holders also allow you to lock your equipment in the racks to greatly reduce the chance of theft.  At the very least, you will really make them work for it and it will add time to their illegal activity which hopefully allows someone to catch them in the act.

For all lockable holders, all you need to do is add the padlock of your choice.

The holders which allow you to lock in your equipment include:

  • Trimmer/Edger Holders
  • Backpack Blower Holder
  • Chainsaw Holder
  • Ramp Holder

How Our Equipment Racking System Works

The trailer racking system is actually very simple even though at first look it may seem a little complex.  Below we will break down each component and why/when you may want or need that component.

What makes our equipment racks unique is the ability to add 'holders' to the posts, and add additional posts for that matter.  You can always add to, subtract from, or re-arrange the way your equipment is housed on the racking system.  This is an awesome feature in our opinion as your racking needs will change over time and this gives you full control and keeps the cost down as well as you don't need to purchase entire new racks.

The Essential Components of Our Trailer Racks

The bare essentials are the posts and the holders. 

But, there are some things you may need depending on your application.  And, if your application is an enclosed trailer or box truck, you can skip purchasing the posts and use 2x4s instead.  We will cover that below.

When we mention 'your application' we are simply referring to what type of 'vehicle' you are mounting the racking system on.  The most common applications are open/landscape trailers, enclosed trailers, and box trucks.  With a little creativity and possibly fabrication, the racks would also work on pickup and flatbed trucks and work vans. 

There is a difference between 'posts' and 'post sets.'

Posts vs Post Sets

The post sets also include the 'post brackets' which allow you to secure your post to your application.

Universal Mounting Bracket

Potentially eliminates the need for drilling.*

Universal Mounting Bracket

The main purpose of the universal mounting bracket is to eliminate the need to drill into your trailer rails.  Instead of drilling into your rails to mount the posts, the universal mounting bracket encompassing the rail and you mount the 'post brackets' to universal mounting brackets instead.

The second use for the universal mounting bracket is to add clearance when mounting to an interior wall of an enclosed trailer or box truck.  If you were to mount the posts flush against the walls, using the trimmer holders, for example, there may not be enough room for your trimmers to fit in the brackets as the engine may not have enough space because of the wall.

*Applicable with 2" rails or less in diameter or height.  Larger/thicker rails will impede the bracket from serving its purpose.

GridIron Rack Post

All holders get mounted to posts.  Like stated earlier, all holders can also be mounted to 2x4s.  Please compare 'posts' vs 'post sets' as you very likely need a post set as it also includes the 'post brackets' which allow you to mount the posts to your application.

Post lengths available: 1.5', 3', 4', 5', and 6'

Sold: Individually

GridIron Rack Post Set

Post sets are posts with the mounting brackets included.

Post set lengths available: 1.5', 3', 4', and 5'

Sold: In sets of 2 posts and 4 mounting brackets + hardware

GridIron Rack Bundles

Bundles are post sets and holders pre-grouped for your convenience and also save cost savings when compared to purchasing these items individually.

Trimmer/Edger Bundle For 2 Units

The 2 trimmer rack bundle includes everything you need to house 2 string trimmers or edgers on your trailer racking system.  

Includes: (1) 3' Post Set and (2) Trimmer/Edger Holders

2 and 3 Trimmer Rack Bundle

Trimmer/Edger Bundle For 3 Units

The 3 trimmer rack bundle includes everything you need to house 3 string trimmers or edgers on your trailer racking system.  

Includes: (1) 4' Post Set and (3) Trimmer/Edger Holders

Lawn and Landscape Rack Bundle

Landscaper Rack Bundle

Our biggest bundle contains everything you need to rack 3 string trimmers or edgers, 1 backpack blower, and 1 universal mount which can securely hold anything that fits.

Includes: (3)  Trimmer/Edger Holders, (1) Backpack Blower Holder, and (1) Universal Holder 

String Trimmer Mower Mount Bundle

Mower Mount String Trimmer Rack

Allows you to mount a string trimmer (or stick edger) to your mower to reduce time walking back to your truck or trailer.

Includes: (1) 1.5' Post Set and (1) Trimmer/Edger Holder

GridIron Trimmer Lock

Trimmer Lock and Rack

A single trimmer lock will lock all trimmers at once on the post that the trimmer lock is installed on.  You may need to cut the rod to the length of your post.  Any basic metal hacksaw, or heavier duty cutting tool, will make quick work of this.  The trimmer lock is installed on the 'engine' side of the rack.

Info Regarding The Specific Type of Equipment Holders

Here you will find anything you may want or need to know regarding each individual holder.

GridIron String Trimmer Holder

Pretty straight forward, the 'C' bracket side holds the 'head' portion of your unit.  Adjust the angle as needed.  This allows for curved shaft units to also be easily mounted.

The 'engine side' bracket is what keeps your bracket secured in the rack during transport, it also adjusts easily to keep your unit from 'spinning' in the rack.

Remember, stick edger also fit perfectly in these holders, along with similarly shaped tool such as pole pruners.

🔒 Lockable.

GridIron Backpack Blower Holder

Backpack Blower Rack Demo

Consists of a base for your backpack blowers base to rest on.  The adjustable securing mechanism gives you full control of any adjustments needed to make your blower fit perfectly.  The circle at the top keeps your blower tube in place.

If you run handheld blowers, the universal holder is what you would need.

🔒  Lockable.

GridIron Hedge Trimmer Holder

For hedge trimmers with a cutting width up to 3.5" wide.  If your blades are wider than 3.5", the adjustable hedge trimmer holder has you covered.

Very simple design in which the blades of your hedge trimmer slide into the holder keeping it securely in place.

Standard vs Adjustable Hedge Trimmer Trailer Racks

GridIron Adjustable Hedge Trimmer Holder

For hedge trimmers with a cutting width from 3.75" to 7" wide.

Also, a very simple design in which the blades of your hedge trimmer slide into the holder keeping it securely in place and the added bonus of being able to adjust the width of the holder itself.

GridIron Universal Holder

The universal holder will hold anything that fits!  It consists of a base and 2 mounting brackets above.  You place the item you want to house on the universal rack's base, then secure the item to the rack by using the supplied bungee cords and connecting them to the 2 brackets included above.

Universal vs Water Cooler Trailer Racks

GridIron Water Cooler Holder

Very similar to the universal holder.  The difference being the 2 mounting brackets above the base is curved to conform to the shape of the water cooler.

GridIron Trimmer Line Holder

Simply genius!  Save time cutting more trimmer string as you always know where the spool is located.  It also keeps the line from unwinding and included a 'trimmer line cutter' which allows for super quick, easy, and safe cutting of the trimmer line.

Trimmer Line and Spare Tire Racks

GridIron Spare Tire Holder

Allows you to house a spare tire on your racking system.  

GridIron Hand Tool Holder For Open Trailers

Comfortably house 6 hand tools with straight circular handles such as most racks, shovels, brooms, hoes, and so on.  Depending on what you put in this rack you could fit more or fewer tools.

Specific to open trailers.

Open or Enclosed Trailer Racks For Hand Tools

Hand Tool Holder For Enclosed Trailers

Comfortably house 6 hand tools with straight circular handles such as most racks, shovels, brooms, hoes, and so on.  Depending on what you put in this rack you could fit more or fewer tools.

Specific to enclosed trailers.

GridIron Chainsaw Holder

Used to house a chainsaw on your trailer racking system.

🔒  Lockable.

Chainsaw Trailer Racks

GridIron Chainsaw Holder Bracket

Used if you mounting the chainsaw holder to a post.  If you are mounting your chainsaw holder to a 2x4, you do not need this component.

GridIron Curb Ramp Set + Holder

Curb Ramps for Lawn Mowers

This is not only the ramp holder but also includes the ramps themselves.

Easily 'hop' curbs up to 10" tall and very possibly even taller curbs.  Consider mounting this holder to your mower itself!

Tired of putting that unnecessary wear and tear on your mowers but brutally hopping curbs the old fashioned way by popping a wheelie on your walk-behind and ramming the rear wheels into the curb?  This is your solution!

🔒 Lockable


These trailer racks are an excellent option if you are in the market for a way to safely store your equipment during transport and want it readily available for use on the next job.

If we can answer any questions, please let me know.  Customer support is available via phone, email, chat, or a form on our website.

View the entire collection and get more information by clicking on any of the parts or pieces that interest you.

View the racking system components:  View The Racks

Ryan Sciamanna