Política de envío

Shipping Policy/Information

Flat Rate Shipping Cost (US-48 Only)

Order total:

$0 - $349.99 = $9.95 Shipping & Handling Fee

$350 or more = Free Shipping

If you are outside the US-48 or an international customer, please email us with your address and the items you would like to order so we can provide you with a shipping quote.

Shipping Time Estimates

If you need your order by a specific date, please call or email us so we can verify when you can expect your order based on what you are ordering and where you are located.

Most orders will ship the same day they are placed if the order is received by 2:00 PM EST.

Most orders will arrive to our customers within 1-3 business days.  We are located near Cincinnati, OH to get you an idea of how far the package will need to travel to your location.  Some items we have in other warehouses across the US.  Orders under $30 may take an additional day or two to arrive.

*Some orders may take longer than 3 business days to arrive.  If you are on the west coast, some routes are 4-day routes from our location.  Sometimes we need to get all items on an order to a central warehouse before we can fulfill an order.  5-6 business days should be the maximum travel time if you are located in the US-48 no matter what you order.  Again, contact us if you need more information about when to expect your specific order.

Issues With Shipping Carriers

Please understand our job is to properly pack your order in an appropriate box or envelope and then we rely on USPS, UPS and FedEx to pick up the packages from our warehouse and deliver them to your address.

We do not have access to any additional information beyond what the tracking number provides.  Please first contact the shipping carrier if the tracking number shows your package is in their possession.