The sun does eventually go down!  And, if you are getting older like me, long days in the lawn and landscape aren't quite as long as they used to be.

Meet YouTube TV!  You actually pay the price they say you will pay unlike every other TV or cable provider!

YouTube TV logo and major channels

I had not watched TV in years...

If you are anything like me, I'd rather build something, fix something, or tinder with something instead of watching TV.

If cable wasn't included with the internet at the luxury apartment I've been living at for the past 39 months before moving into my new home in September of 2021, I wouldn't have watched TV at all in the past 3.5 years or so.

But, I hosted a New Years Eve party as 2021 turned into 2022 AND the UC Bearcat football team was playing Alabama.  I've always been a UC fan as I was born in Cincinnati and my mother and father went to UC, as did I, but furthermore, I actually like Alabama too because I went to the same high school as Alabama's great running back, Shaun Alexander.  

So, I stayed optimistic that UC could pull out a miracle win over the bigger, stronger, and faster Alabama football team, but the realist in me knew there was really no chance for UC to squeeze out a win in this game.

Nonetheless, I had to watch the game and prepare for my party at the same time...that's where YouTube TV came in.

YouTube TV =  No BS TV

I'm not a fan of paying for just about anything that doesn't make me money, except for food, I do love to eat!

I'm also not a fan of deceptive marketing and that's exactly what every TV or cable service seems to do.  They show a base price which seems reasonable but by the time you add in fees, taxes, equipment, and whatever else, you can go ahead and double whatever their base price was - And, that's before potentially adding any packages to get the channels you really want.

I love YouTube TV's straightforward pricing and billing

I just paid my first bill for YouTube TV and was shocked when they charged me exactly what I was expecting them to!

If you are looking for a more affordable way to get the most popular channels on TV, I highly recommend checking out YouTube TV.

CLICK HERE and save $10 or more. 

You can even cancel before the free trail ends and never pay at all.

Ryan Sciamanna