Toro/Exmark 116-1611 OEM PTO Clutch
OEM replacement for Toro/Exmark clutch part number 116-1611. It also replaces all superseded part numbers listed below. Clutch only - The pigtail is not included with this clutch from the manufacturer.
116-1611 Replaces OEM Part Numbers:
- 103-3246
- 109-7665
- 103-6579
- 109-7673
- 103-3132
Pulley/Flange OD: 7.39"
- Bore (ID): 1-1/8"
Have a question about this product? Contact us for assistance and tell us you are looking at SKU 5218-202. This is an authentic Warner 5218-202 electric clutch used by Exmark and Toro when manufacturing models using these part numbers. Also replaces Warner 5218-99.