Snapper Spindle Assembly 84003175 (7600211YP & 7502226YP
Spindle assembly for some Snapper lawn mowers. B&S part number 84003175 is used on Snapper, Simplicity and Murray lawn mowers.
84003175 now replaces old discontinued part numbers 7600211YP and 7502226YP.
In 2023, Snapper finally gave this assembly a part number instead of only listing the individual part numbers of each part in the diagram. We have that information available for reference below and an image of this assembly as shown in the parts diagram in the product images.
The complete spindle assembly includes:
- 1 housing part # 1735573
- 2 bearings part # 1735399
- 2 spacers part # 1735328
- 1 shaft part # 1735326 (1760276YP)
- 2 shields part # 1735323
- 2 locking rings part # 1967066
Snapper Part Numbers 1735326, 1735326YP, 7600211YP, and 7502226YP
This Spindle Assembly Replaces These OEM Part Numbers:
- Snapper/Kees 1735326
- Snapper/Kees 1735326YP
- Snapper/Kees 7600211YP
- Snapper/Kees 4003175
- Snapper/Kees 7502226YP
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