As of this morning, January 16, 2022, the manufacturer of the Proslide XT sulky raised pricing across the board by 5% from 2021's pricing.

iGoPro Lawn Supply is your official source for discounted pricing on Proslide XT sulkies and all of their parts along with the GoSlide sulky and GridIron line of lawn equipment and trailer racks.

Proslide XT lawn mower sulky stripes in a lawn

The Proslide XT Is Now Just $429.97 Shipped To Your Door*

iGoPro Lawn Supply sold over 250 Proslide XT lawn mower sulkies in 2021.  Even though our dealer cost went up by 5% in 2022, we decided to our slightly for the 2022 season.

We did this because we truly believe in this product and want to get it to walk behind lawn mower owners for as cheaply as possible!

If you didn't know, the owner of iGoPro Lawn Supply ran Proslide XTs on all of his walk behinds while running his lawn care business before starting  He still has a Proslide XT on the walk behind lawn mower in his garage today!

*Please note our business is located in the state of Kentucky so ordered shipped to a Kentucky address or picked up in person will incur Kentucky's 6% sales tax.

Switch To The Proslide XT and Then Wonder Why You Didn't Sooner!

We love the Proslide XT lawn mower sulky and so do 99.5% of people who step on one behind a walk behind lawn mower.  We get positive feedback on this product all of the time from 1st time users and many people that purchase their Proslide XT or parts from us have been a big fan for years already.

The Proslide XT is made in the USA.  It is much safer than any 1 or 2 wheel sulky.  It also acts as a stripe kit behind your mower!

Step your lawn mowing game up in 2022 with a Proslide XT behind your commercial walk behind lawn mower.

Shop The Proslide XT Online Here

Ryan Sciamanna