Do you agree?  Savvy lawn care business owners buy supplies in December.

If you don't agree, here is why it is true.

Manufacturers raise prices on the January 1st each year

Well, that pretty much sums it up!

On January 1st our vendors send us our updated dealer pricing for that year.  Very rarely does a price go down.  Inflation alone causes everything to go up 2-3% each year on it's own.

2021 could see higher spikes in pricing than normal considering a lot of businesses struggled to continue to operate profitably through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Buy next years supplies at today's prices

It's your last chance.  It's already December 4th, 2020 as I write this post.

Besides probably saving an average of 5% by ordering in December instead of in the spring or thorough the year as needed, you will save your self time (which is money remember) when you get busy again next year.

Next season during the spring rush you can worry about people and long wait times on your scheduling instead of scrambling to buy trimmer string, oil filters, and blades as needed.

We sell plenty of common items in bulk.  Purchase enough for the entire season at once and cut your cost even more with the bulk discount savings.

You're running out of time!

Get to shopping for lawn supplies!

Ryan Sciamanna