2-Wheel Lawn Mower Sulky For Ferris & Snapper Pro Walk-Behind Mowers
This heavy-duty lawn mower sulky is perfect for Ferris and Snapper Pro lawn mowers with the foot brake pedals. Stop walking and start riding behind your mower! Reduce fatigue and improve efficiency.
The bracket installed on your mower to attach the sulky uses 4-inch center-to-center hole spacing. All hardware to install the sulky is included. All replacement parts are readily available.
All pivot points are greasable including the roller cage bearings inside the wheel's hubs. Pneumatic turf tread tires 4.10x3.50-4. Suitable for use with almost all commercial walk-behind mowers.
- Havener Enterprises Mower Sulky TS2000N
Sulky Features and Benefits:
- Maximize your mowing speed
- Completely remove it from your mower by removing a single pin
- Fits most commercial walk-behind lawn mowers
- Anti-slip tread on the platform keeps your feet securely on the sulky
- Pneumatic wheels for the most comfortable ride
- Many easily accessible grease fittings to keep the moving parts lubricated
- Powder-coated black to protect the steel frame and components
- Can be hung under your mower's controls with light facbrication
Mount that attaches to your mower -
- 4" tall by 5-1/4" wide (4" on center hole spacing (side to side))