GoSlide Sulky
The GoSlide sulky is one of the lowest-priced lawn mower sulkies you can buy and works with almost all commercial walk-behind mowers.
They are in stock and ready to ship today.
It is very well-built and works with almost all commercial walk-behind lawn mowers.
The maintenance cost or 'cost of ownership' of a GoSlide is hands-down, the lowest out of any sulky. The only part you will probably ever need to replace on the GoSlide is the wearplate and if you keep it primarily on turf as intended, it will last for 5+ years easily.
Everything is included with your purchase including the mounting bracket and hardware. It also comes with a hook chain system so you can secure your GoSlide under your mower's handles and walk freely behind your mower when you need to or for transport.
Dimensions: 20" wide, 16" from front to back, 3.5" thick with collapsed.
Weight: Approx 25 lbs.
Free 1-3 day shipping. Full warranty.